

Are You The Favorite Person of Anybody? (Miranda July)

Directed by Miguel Arteta  /  Written by Miranda July
Starring John C. Reilly, Miranda July, Mike White and Chuy Chavez.

A man with a clipboard asks passersby a survey question: “Are you the favorite person of anybody?".
The point is there are three types of people in this context: The first one assumes she is and then when she thinks about it properly, she realises she might not be; she's slightly self delusional, a bit narccisistic. The second type is the modest guy; the realist, who doesn't need to feel loved to be secure. The third guy doesn't want to think about it, 'cause the answer might annoy him. He's quite closed and bottles up emotion.

Tags: miguel arteta miranda july john reilly mike white Wholphin McSweeneys Survey Film Screening Room Film & Animation

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